Our flair bartenders can create a signature drink for your event that is readily available for guests. Talk with our team and we will even come up with a fun name for you!
We work with your venue’s bar and simply replace one of their staff with our talented Flair Bartenders. We use the alcohol you've purchased and the glassware to inject our entertainment into your event. Simple.
Yes, yes & yes. Everything is available by request, but in the mean time you should check out our LED-Bar in the LED furniture page.
That’s a.. very specific number, but not a problem. We recommend 1 flair bartender for up to 300 guests. You can get a second Flair Bartender for your event to make sure each guest gets this memorable service.
They require a glass wear, alcohol, mixers, & maybe a few venue staff depending on how many guests you have. Let us know if you would prefer we bring our mobile bar!